Episode 33: Sacraments Part 3 - Matrimony

Kyel and Matt dive into another episode on the Sacraments of the Catholic Church, this time tackling the Sacrament of Matrimony.  They touch briefly on the replete references to marriage in Scripture, only to explain that they won’t be diving into a conversation on marriage in Scripture on this episode.  Instead they focus mostly on how they are perpetually reminded of their own lowliness through the Sacrament.

Episode Notes


“People who are constantly concerned with themselves, who act above all for their own satisfaction, endanger their eternal salvation and cannot avoid being unhappy even in this life.  Only if a person forgets himself and gives himself to God and to others, in marriage as well as in any other aspect of life, can he be happy on this earth, with a happiness that is a preparation for, and a foretaste of, the joy of heaven.”  -Bl. Josemaria Escriva, Christ Is Passing By, Number 24  https://www.amazon.com/Christ-Passing-Josemaria-Escriva/dp/0933932049

“Fulfillness” – Not a real word. Somebody should let Matt know.


A mother’s DNA is changed with each child she is pregnant with:


The Four Last Things:

1.     Death

2.     Judgement

3.     Heaven

4.     Or Hell